Returning Your Miami MFP – Reduce Your Risks

This post is actually intended to elaborate on our other post, “Reducing Your Financial Exposure When Returning Your Miami Copier. We talked the intricacies of returning an MFP or copier at your own expense, and how copier representatives and manufacturers would exploit those intricacies. They basically use a fear tactic where you may be pressed for time to decide between spending $800-$1000 out of your own pocket and getting their “free deal,” with potential additional expenses. The free deal comes from signing on a new lease for a new copier. Here are three things that can do to reduce your financial risks:

  1. Do not miss your window of opportunity. You typically have 90 days before the expiration of the lease to notify the company of your intent to return the device, or the lease rolls over.
  2. Take out the consumables before packaging the device, and keep them separate from the device. Take pictures of the device and the condition that it is in before you package so that you can prove you took the necessary precautions to keep it in one piece.
  3. Let the company know that the machine has been packaged and will be sent back on so-and-so date. It does not hurt to ask them what they can do to help cushion the costs for you.


